technical seo

Is Technical SEO Good for Website Health?

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a very important process in the SEO process. If you want to more crawlable your website through Google Search engine crawlers then it’s good to optimize your website then more index it means they separate your content to what it’s a type of content and then better rank to your website.

What are the elements of Technical SEO?

There are many elements to do for Technical SEO. But we are showing the important things. These are given below:-

● Site Architecture

● Google Search Console

● Crawling and Indexing

● Set Preferred Domain / Canonicalization

● Robots.txt file

● Sitemap Optimization

● Structured data / Schema Markup

● Breadcrumbs

● Internal Linking

● Speed Optimization

● Mobile SEO

Firstly, When Search engine crawlers come in site for a particular fixed time that time it optimizes the website pages and convert to them in HTML format and index them means your website content this type when the users search this types of content then the Search Engine showed them accordingly to ranking that how much the content of your website is good to compare to others websites contents.

Technical SEO is the process of optimizing your website for crawling and indexing and ranking.

With Technical SEO your help to search engine access, crawl, intercept and index your website without any issue.

It is not related to the website content and the website promotions, so it is called Technical SEO.

Full Optimization of the website is the main target of Technical SEO.

Site Architecture:-

Site architecture means your website would be well structured. Easy to understand for crawlers as well as users. Crawlers optimize the website’s structures and index them. It helps users.

Good site architecture is showing the best result and trying to page good ranking.

When crawlers come on-site then it identifies whether it finds all the pages easily or not, maybe some pages are not connected to category and maybe some pages are not category wise.

Pages should be category-wise where easy to understand users. When it is identified by the users then it shows the results the proper way.

Showing Bad site Architecture

Showing good Site Architecture

Google Search Console:-

Google Search Console is a free tool and it is provided by Google. This is also known as Google Webmaster Tools.

Google Search Console is used for troubleshooting websites and their pages. It sends a report about a website that Google knows.

It shows the performance and reports of the website.

It shows us which page is indexed by a Search engine or not.

It will inspect the URL to find any problem on the website page and give the details about error pages if any issue there.

Google Search Console

It gives us a health report about the website and sends error messages and warnings for any issues on the website.

It shows us how many links (Internal links, External links, Top link pages, Top links sites, Top links texts) point to your website.

It is used for troubleshooting, crawling, and indexing issues.

It showed us how many pages are indexed by Google.

It also showed us which keywords are associated with your website.

It shows us whether your website is mobile-friendly or not.

With the help of the Google Search Console, you can remove any URLs of your website.

It shows us the sitemap structure of the website.

It shows us crawl status and page experiences.

It shows us the performance of websites like CTR (Click Through Rate), Clicks, Total Impressions, Average position ).

You can search by device, country, queries, date, search appearance, and etc.

How to connect your website with Google Search Console?

Firstly you open Google Search Console with your Google account.

In search property, you add the website and then verify it by various method

The first method is that you add domain property to your website where you are hosting services.

The second one is to add a website URL and then verify from website ownership.

Website add and verify in Google Search Console

Crawling & Indexing:-

It is a very important step in the whole SEO process, Because if the problem is crawling and indexing then Search engines will not come on your site and not index your site pages. It is reflected in the ranking of the website.

It is very easy to index the pages on the Google Search Console tool. It is also known as the Google Webmaster Tool.

● Index Coverage Report

● URL Inspection Tool

If you want to access these tools then first add and verify your domain with Google Search Console.

If you are already done then do the next process.

What is an Index Coverage Report?

An Index coverage report is available on Google Search Console. It shows you which pages of your website are successfully indexed by Google and which are not indexed because of an error.

You find the errors page’s details and you may reindex requests to Google again.

You will find errors about pages when you click on the coverage under the Index tab.

Here You will see four options are

The First is Error

The second is Valid with Warning

The Third is Valid and

The Fourth is Excluded

technical SEO is a very important process in the SEO process.

Showing Coverage report on GSC

The Errors are grouped into categories. The possible values of errors may be

● “ Server Error (5xx) “

● “ Redirect Error ”

● “ Submitted URL seems to be a soft 404 ”

● “ Submitted URL blocked by robots.txt ”

● “ Submitted URL returns unauthorized request (401) ”

● “ Submitted URL has crawl issue ”

● “ Submitted URL not found (404) ”

When you see any issue related to crawl then you have to fix them. Firstly see what types of error exactly is it.

The first step is to click on the Inspect URL button.

Then click the view crawled page. You will get more information from the right menu.

Many times pages have crawl issues if page resources are not loaded.

You should check the URL on the browser if it is loaded then there are temporary errors many times.

You should check on the test live URL button to force Google to refresh the error report.

Review the details in more information again.

Click the request indexing button to re-submit the page to Google.

If you still get errors or resources not found after clicking the test URLbutton, then you should fix the error and re-index the page.

Set Preferred Domain / Canonicalization:-

You have to set the domain with WWW or without WWW. It is not an SEO advantage of this but what’s your preference for your domain. Because Google counts these are the two websites.

For a domain, these are the conditions

You can see there are www or without www the domain name. And also with HTTP and HTTPS.

You can set HTTP (shows no secure ) into HTTPS (shows secure) by the install SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certification or if you are using WordPress for the site then you can install it for free by the Really Simple SSL Plugin. After the installation of SSL, it converts from HTTP into HTTPS, which is more secure now.

It depends on you how to set your domain with www or without www.

If we set only one type of domain then it is easy to understand to the users and crawlers.

Google and other search engines are not confused about which is your preferred domain. Otherwise, they count one more domain and are always confused as to which domain’s pages provide first priority for higher rank.

You should be consistent for one type of domain. When we put the internal links for the site then it will always create the problem that which domain gives first priority.

It will also create issues when we are running a campaign.

How to set Your preferred Domain Name in Google Search Engine?

It is also known as the canonical domain. It is an HTML code that we set on site and tell Google or other Search Engines that these are the ones.

You can check your website canonical domain by viewing the source code, right-click on the website. Like this

<link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

You can see I have not used www in the URL. So you have a canonical domain set for each page and for it you put HTML code on the head section.

Robots.txt File

Robots.txt is a text file. That is in the root directory of your website.

When crawling and indexing processing the robots.txt file instructs the Search engines like Google Bot that which pages are you have to crawl and index in this website.

In the Robots.txt file, we set the rules about which pages we want to show or not.

There are one or more rules here. Here we can instruct by allowing, disallowing, and giving the proper path of pages.

Robots.txt file LokeshNagar

If you don’t have a Robots.txt file on your website then crawlers understand that all the pages are shown publicly on this website. Then it will be risky for us because there are privacy security-related pages there.

So you have to install the Robots.txt file on your site.

If you block the search engines for crawling websites then they will not crawl and index your website and which already indexed pages that remove from the index.

If you don’t want to exclude any pages then you should have a Robots.txt file on your site.

If you want to block particular Search Engines then you can do it.

You can give access to certain pages for certain Search engines.

Robots.txt file is a simple structure. There are predefined keywords or values in the file.

User Agent

It specifies which crawlers should take into account directives.

You can use * to reference all the crawlers and you may specify the name of a crawler that only crawls your website.

User-agent: * – includes all crawlers

User-agent: Google bot – only for Google bot instructions.

If you want to see the crawlers list then you can see the crawlers list.


It means not to crawl the pages or URL of this website.

It can specify a particular file or entire website.

If you want to disallow the entire website then

User-Agent: *

Disallow: /

If you want to disallow a particular URL or file then

User-Agent: *

Disallow: /file_name.html


It allows the crawlers to which pages or URLs are crawled by crawlers.

It can access specific files or URLs by allowing the option if these pages’ parent directory is disallowed.

User-Agent: *

Disallow: /personal images

Allow: /personal images/Official images


A site map is specified for the location of your XML sitemap.

If you don’t specify the location on the Robots.txt file then search engines are able to XML locations.

Sitemap Optimization:-

A sitemap is a file where you provide information about pages, videos, and other files on your websites and create relationships between them.

There are two types of Sitemaps

HTML Sitemap:-

It is only for users and written HyperText Markup Language.

XML Sitemap:- 

It is called Extensible Markup Language.

An Extensible Markup Language is a file that lists all the website’s pages and indexes them. When Search Engines crawlers come on your website then it easily crawls your pages and indexes them in Search Engines Crawlers index.

XML Sitemaps are two types here:-

(i) Index sitemap:-

It shows how many URL sitemaps are on any website.

(ii) URL Sitemaps:-

It shows the final information of URLs on the webpage.

XML Sitemaps are further divided into 3 different categories

(a.) Sitemaps for web pages:-

It is commonly known as XML Sitemap in the community.

(b.) Image Sitemaps:-

This type of sitemap has details of images and their URLs on the website.

(c.) Video Sitemaps:-

This type of sitemap has which websites have videos type files and their details.

Sitemap helps Search Engine crawlers because a website has many pages and identifies which pages are new or updated.

If A website doesn’t have internal linking then the sitemap gives the information about your website to crawlers.

A Sitemap identifies the new website that there are no incoming links then a Sitemap will serve as a discovery tool.

A single Sitemap has 50MB uncompressed files or 50,000 URLs.

If you have a large file then you may create another Sitemaps.

Sitemap file is not a static file it is an automatically updated file when new pages are added or updated on pages.

You can create Sitemap from Sitemap creator tools and use plugins for WordPress sites.

You have to submit your website’s sitemap in the Robots.txt file.

You can submit a sitemap in Google Search Console.

Structured Data / Schema Markup:-

Schema is a collaborative community activity with a mission to Create, Maintain, and Promote schema for structured data on the internet.

Schema is a collection of your website data or set of tags that are easily understood by crawlers.

It is an HTML code that has predefined tags that understand only Search Engines.

It is not available for users but can be read by crawlers.

From Schema Markup the crawler’s job is done very fast.

In the schema, you can cover articles, images, videos, and different types of entities like organizations, local businesses, people, and many more entities filled by the website owners and then submit.

Structured Data is very important for SEO purposes. It is preparing for future SEO.

It is very useful for Local SEO businesses. It shows more about your business.

You can give more information about your business to Search Engines.

It is very useful for voice SEO also.

You can submit schema markup through plugins in WordPress and generate for other types of websites from schema generator tools.


Breadcrumb is a simple menu of internal links located at the top of the page.

It allows users to quickly navigate. It shows how deep you are on this website.

It is easy to understand for crawlers when they crawl the website.

Google is also using it in their search result.

You can enable it through the plugin (like Rank Math SEO plugin) in WordPress.

It helps users show the layout of the website.

Internal Linking:-

There are two types of linking

The first one is Internal Linking which links to another URL itself in a website called internal linking.

I set here internal links which open in other URLs but the domain name will be the same. Eg. If you want to know more about On-Page SEO then you may visit this article.

The Second one is External Linking which means it opens in another URL or you can say it will to other domain URLs.

Eg. This is my Digital Service Agency.

Speed Optimization:-

It is very important that users click on our website and it opens as soon as possible.

For the best website, it opens within 2 to 3 seconds.

Because users can’t wait for the lazy website.

On your website, you should have light or compressed images. For compress images.

You choose the Best Web Hosting Services for the speed of the website.

You should use the Right plugin for it like the WP Rocket plugin.

You also choose a fast theme like Astra Theme to speed your website if you are using WordPress.

You should use CDN for your website. Like Cloudflare.

Mobile SEO Friendly:-

Your website must be a mobile-friendly website because at this time 80% of users are accessing through mobile phones. 

You should use a mobile-friendly plugin if you are using WordPress.


Technical SEO is the most important part of the SEO process because through technical SEO crawlers come into your website and then its index and then it ranks.

When the users are searching related to your content then it will be shown thereby technical SEO.  Without technical SEO we can’t identify the good content and index websites and then How to rank a good website. So you must do technical SEO on your website.

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